Tuesday 13 February 2007

Tuesday 30 January 2007

Photo Shoot in Park...

I took my sister to the park to do a photo shoot, because i had some ideas i wanted to try out. These are some of the results, I actually loved quite a number of the pics, but obviously can't post them all so here are some of my favourites...


Some more...

Friday 19 January 2007

What's up with my universe?

Thursday 18 January 2007

Sunday 7 January 2007

Mazal Tov...

Huge Mazal Tov to Shternie & David on their engagement!

The London Eye...

Me & My camera...

Photo credits: ELT

Friday 5 January 2007


1) I covered my first gig. (for free!)
I have a fear of photographing people, so this was a huge step for me, but i got some pretty good pictures out of it so, onward and upward...

2) I got offered my first paid job to do some shoots for a graphic design company.
I turned down the job, because i don't feel i'm ready for that sort of thing (or anywhere near good enough a photographer), but it was flattering all the same!

Messing around...

OK, so the story is that an amateur photographer who i think is really talented, used some really cool effects on a phenomenal picture... I don't have any of the programmes to try it properly, but i had some fun mucking about with the very basic tools that i have currently at my disposal.
PS: Thanks for the tips! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday 2 January 2007

Henri Cartier - Bresson

"For me, the camera is a sketchbook, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity, the master of the instant which in visual terms, questions and decides simultaneously. In order to give a meaning to the world, one must feel involved with what one singles out through the viewfinder. This attitude requires concentration, sensitivity, a discipline of mind and a sense of geometry. To photograph is to hold one's breath, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. It's at that precise moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy. For me photography is to place one's head, heart and eye along the same line of sight."

~ Henri Cartier-Bresson.